God’s Red Carpet of Favor

As I mentioned in a couple of my previous blogs, before I left on my latest God adventure I saw a vision of a red carpet. I believe it represented restoration and favor. In my last blog, I wrote about restoration. Today I am writing about favor.

Although I consistently witnessed the favor of God throughout the entire trip, it often didn’t look like I thought it would. I was picturing smooth sailing, not troubled waters. On numerous occasions, as we moved in the directions in which we felt God was leading us to go, we encountered Red Seas. Each time we faced an impossibility, God would remind me of the vision of the red carpet and tell me that He was going to make a way where there was no way. To which I would silently respond, “Okay Lord, I don’t see how. But since you said you would give us favor, I believe you for favor.” I would often see a vision of a clock ticking, reminding me that God’s timing is always perfect.

Over and over again, as well-made plans were hindered by unforeseen obstacles, God would step in at the last minute and part the seas for us. Whether it meant arriving at our destinations just in the nick of time, traffic clearing at the right time, inclement weather being held back for a short period time, or favor with people who had to give us more of their time, the Lord shouted through His intervention and incredible favor: “I know you! I love you! I know all! I know what is best! I am in control! Trust me! Nothing is impossible for me!”

As hearts turned, roads cleared, and storms ceased, we thanked the Lord for His goodness and for giving us incredible favor.

This morning, as I was thinking about the numerous times we saw the Lord intervene during our trip, I once again, thought about the red carpet of favor. The following take away points came to mind.

  1. God loves us no matter what. Although each one of us can honestly say we are His favorite, that doesn’t mean we understand how to walk on His red carpet of favor.
  • The carpet is rolled out before we arrive. We don’t carry our own carpets and roll them out when we arrive. We don’t have to fight for recognition or favor. We simply go where God leads us. The Lord goes before us and makes a way for us. He is the lifter of our heads.
  • Red carpets are not rolled out in front of shacks. There have been many times in my life when I  begged God to give me favor to do what I thought would be best for me. Thankfully, He didn’t answer those prayers. I thought I was asking God to unroll the carpet in front of a palace, but in His wisdom, He knew it was really a shack. I had to learn to surrender to His goodness. Surrender is a beautiful thing. God knows what is best for us. If we put our trust in Him, He will give us favor for all He has for us.
  • Red Seas are opportunities to see the Lord unroll His red carpet. The Israelites trembled in fear when they encountered the Red Sea. Little did they know that God was going to do the impossible and make a way for them where there was no way. Our flesh automatically reacts to obstacles with fear or frustration. Recognizing God’s favor in our lives will allow us to react to obstacles with anticipation instead of trepidation.
  • Favor has already been given. God has already rolled out His red Carpet of salvation. Jesus made a way where there was no way when He died on the cross for us. As His blood flowed from Calvary’s Tree, He unrolled the carpet of His amazing grace “unmerited favor” for you and me.
  • It’s not just about us. Jesus joins us in relationship, but He is the celebrity. All eyes turn to celebrities as they exit their limos and step onto red carpets. The world may recognize who is accompanying them, but the focus is on the celebrity. Although walking on the red carpet of favor might draw some attention to us, God gets the glory. It is both a privilege and an honor to be allowed to share in adventures that bring glory to God.

Last night I received a late night phone call from someone else who needs me to come and help them for a week. I will be flying out early tomorrow morning. Although I am amazed at how God parted so many Red Seas during my last trip, I am praying that the waters will be a little calmer this time. It will be interesting to see what vision He gives me for this journey.

Today, you might be standing in front of a Red Sea. If so, don’t lose heart. The Lord is with you. Put your faith and trust in Him and be prepared to be amazed when you see Him roll out His carpet of favor and walk with you in the midst of impossibilities. He loves you! He is with you! He is for You!

May you be abundantly blessed!


Photo from Pixabay

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