Exercising Our Faith Part 2-Stretching

It’s important to stretch!

  1. Isaiah 54:2 talks about enlarging our tents. What does this scripture mean to you? How is the Lord enlarging your tent during Covid-19?


  1. Moses and sometimes Aaron were instructed, “stretch our your hand” to begin and end the plagues. Why do you think God told them to do so?


  1. God is the Alpha and Omega-The beginning and the end. Do you believe He knows all? Is there something He is asking you to partner with Him in during this season?


  1. In Exodus 14:16 Moses is told to lift up and stretch out his staff. What does God want us to do in the midst of impossible situations?


  1. I Matthew 12:13 Jesus told the man with the withered hand to stretch out his hand. What are you asking God to restore in your life?


  1. I was raised under a religious spirit which kept me in fear and unbelief. What do you believe is the difference between religion and relationship?


  1. Jesus stretched out His hands on an old rugged cross because of love. How could His stretch encourage us to be stretched by Him?


Be abundantly blessed and always remember that the Lord loves you extravagantly!
