Three Nails

As Good Friday approached, I kept thinking about the three nails that held Jesus on the cross.

Three Nails

Three nails pierced His flesh, but my sins pierced His heart.

Three nails fastened Him to the cross, but it was love that kept Him there.

Three nails were driven into His hands and feet, so you and I could become His hands and feet and go into all the world…

Jesus could have left the cross, but instead, He suffered and died. 

Three nails didn’t keep Him. He willing gave His life.

For You and me. 

 Suspended on the cross that bridged Heaven and earth, triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) redeemed triune mankind (body soul and spirit) through the sacrifice of the Son.

Bearing the weight of our sins, Jesus’ body was crucified, His soul cried out, and His spirit was released into His Father’s hands so you and I could be restored into relationship.

Three nails were driven by a hammer, but love drove Him to the cross. 

He breathed His last so we could live. It was for us He paid the cost. 

As the nails held His body, He held us in His heart. 

Three nails might have caused Jesus to bleed, but it was His choice to die.

It always was, still is, and always will be all about love!


                                                                         Jeannie Boatright

Jesus loves you! He died for you! He celebrates you! May you celebrate Him and His goodness on this Good Friday!

May you be abundantly blessed!
