Wow! It appears that everyone is being stretched right now. I sure am! At the end of the message I will be sharing an original song. It’s definitely an obedience thing! Be abundantly blessed! Jeannie
These are the words to “Come to the Altar”
Come to the altar.
Lay it all down.
Give your cares and your burdens-
Standing on holy ground.
Come to the altar
And drink of His love.
Take the bread and the wine
For His body and blood.
Come to the altar.
Come to the altar.
Come give your heart to the one who knows it all.
He clothes the flow’rs and sees each sparrow when it falls.
Lay down your life. In His presence you’ll be changed
By the power of Jesus’ mighty name!
Come to the altar
And make an exchange.
Trade you ashes for beauty
And let joy replace pain.
Come to the altar.
Release all your shame.
Old things are passed away
and you won’t be the same.
Come to the altar.
Come to the altar.
Repeat Chorus
Let Him heal you.
Let Him wash away your sin.
Let Him touch you
And bring life to you once again!
Come to the altar.
Come to the altar.
Come to the altar.
Take up your cross and follow Him.
Lay down your life so you can live.
He’s waiting for you
To come to the altar.
By Jeannie Boatright
Discussion Questions
Truth Rejoices Study-The Altar
The Corona-19 virus is causing a lot of shaking worldwide. How are you personally being shaken? According to Hebrews 12:28-29 what can’t be shaken?
In the video, I shared about the vision where the eyes of people’s hearts were being opened. Read Ephesians 1:18-19. Is God opening your eyes to new understanding? How would having your eyes wide open change your perspective and possibly your prayer life?
An altar is a place of exchange. In Genesis 22 God instructs Abraham to build an altar and sacrifice his son Isaac (his promise). What was the result of Abraham’s obedience? What was the exchange? Is there something or someone God is calling you to lay on the altar? If so, what do you believe you will receive in exchange?
Why do you think that Matthew 5:23-24 tells us to reconcile with the brother who has something against us before offering our gift at the altar? Have the current circumstances with the covid virus given you a new perspective on any of your relationships?
In Romans 12:1 Paul beseeches his brethren (us) to present their (our) bodies as living sacrifices. What does this scripture men to you?
We are often unaware of our idols or “little gods” until they are removed. As you are sheltering at home, are you becoming aware of some “idols” that have been in your life. If so, what are they?
Before I shared my Altar song in the video, I mentioned that I was taking baby steps. Is there anything God is calling you to step out in in this season-even if it’s just in taking baby steps?