Leaves of Gold

Last week, while I was praying with a friend, I thought about quaking aspen trees. The first time I laid eyes on a quaking aspen tree I was in grade school. My father had pointed it out while my family and I were camping in Colorado. As the leaves danced in the sunlight, they looked like gold coins.

As I prayed for my friend, I envisioned an aspen tree being shaken, causing its leaves to rain down. The leaves turned into gold as they touched the ground. I believe God was showing me that He was going to bless my friend financially.

Last month I was questioning whether I should continue to stay in Virginia. Staying here and helping my daughter has dried up my avenues of income. As I talked to the Lord, He reminded me that He always provides for me where He sends me. He then told me that He was going to pay my phone bill for six months.

At the time, I didn’t know if the money would come from different sources or from a single source. Since I haven’t been speaking or promoting my books, I knew it definitely wouldn’t come from royalties.

As usual, God surprised me. Saturday I received a check in the mail from someone who had not yet paid me for some books I sold her last year. The check was for almost four times the amount of the total cost of the books. It was designated for seed and books Eph 3:20-22. After tithing, I will have just enough to pay my phone bill for six months.

Once again, God has shaken His money tree and released what I needed.

When I was in grade school I saw a movie made in the 1950’s called It Grows on Trees. It was about a family who becomes wealthy after discovering money growing on the trees in their backyard. In the end, they learn that money can’t buy what’s really important in life.

The family’s money trees looked like the right trees, but they ended up being the wrong trees.

When praying for finances I have learned that it’s important to stand near the right tree.

There were two trees in the garden of Eden-the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. Adam and Eve chose to eat from the wrong tree-the tree of one’s own understanding.

Staying in God’s will positions us to receive from Him (the tree of life). He is our source, and His supply never runs out. At any moment, He can shake the trees of His supply and rain down exactly what you and I need, or even more than we can think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20.)

Today I feel led to pray for finances. If you have a financial need please join me in prayer.

Dear Lord, I thank you that you are my source and my supply. There is nothing impossible for you. You own the cattle on 1000 hills and everything else. Shake the trees and rain down finances in my life. I make agreement with your Word and with your will for me. I choose to rest in your presence. Bring me fresh revelation. Thank you for providing for all my needs. I declare and decree that today you are releasing finances for me in the heavenly realms. I praise you for your love and faithfulness, and I am excited to see the manifestation on earth of what you are now releasing in the heavens. I love you Lord! You are truly my all in all!

In Jesus’ name….Amen!

May you be abundantly blessed and full of expectation!

