He s Risen, Indeed!


I wrote the following poem after watching the movie The Case for Christ. The Case for Christ is based on the life of Lee Strobel, an atheist journalist who set out to disprove his wife’s faith by examining the validity of the resurrection. His investigation of the facts concerning the empty tomb led him into the arms of the Savior. For the last twenty-five years, Lee has been sharing the evidence that supports the truth and claims of Christianity. 

He Is Risen, Indeed!

Christianity hinges on Jesus’ resurrection.

That is why the tomb was guarded.

That is why the soldiers were paid to lie.

That is why the disciples died.

They had seen the risen Christ.

Jesus had conquered death, hell, and the grave.

Yes, He is risen, indeed!


No one had collaborated stories.

The disciples saw Him in His risen glory.

Even Thomas who wouldn’t believe

Until He felt His hands and side,

Knew that the crucified Christ is now alive.

Yes, He is risen, indeed!


Yes, indeed, Christ is risen.

This is why we now live for Him.

This is why we have hope and freedom.

We know the risen Lord.

Our hearts are full because the tomb is still empty.

Yes! He is risen indeed!


                                             Jeannie Boatright


May you enjoy the risen Lord today!

Happy Easter!

Love you,
