Behind the Fast

A couple of months ago I was jolted awake from a sound sleep when the Lord met me in a dream and instructed me to go to Corpus Christi. The past two months have been an adventure—four cities in forty-one days followed by a move to a new house.

Before I left Virginia the Lord showed me the faces of the people I was to stay with at both the beginning and the end of my journey, but the middle was a mystery. I also had no clue why I was going to Corpus Christi.

Since I knew in my spirit that God was setting up divine appointments, I made sure I brought my Ipad so I could blog. When I placed it in my bag I heard, “You are not going to be writing much.” I had no idea that “not much” meant no social media, one blog, and a just a few notes.

It’s not that I didn’t try to write more, but every time I tried to post on facebook or my website, my Ipad or phone would either kick me off the page or turn off. After a week of misconnection, I realized I was being called to fast social media and blogging.

Today, I got the go-ahead to end my fast.

When I asked the Lord what to write about, He began to speak to me about fasting. While my pages were inactive, my life had been a flurry of activity full of surprises and divine appointments. It’s often the same with fasting.

In Daniel 10:12-13 an angel appears to Daniel to reassure him that his prayers are being answered. The angel tells Daniel that he had been warring in Daniel’s behalf from the beginning of Daniel’s fast. For twenty-one days, Daniel had been fasting and praying without seeing answers. When he finally gets his breakthrough, he realizes that although heaven was silent, there had been a whole lot of activity going on behind the scenes.

Although I had never fasted posting on my pages before, I often fast.  Most of the time I fast food, but there have been times God has called me to fast other things. So far my most difficult fast was when I fasted makeup.  (That one was definitely NOT my idea!) At the time I was working in a position where I was interacting with hundreds of people a day. God used the makeup fast to break me free from more insecurities.

Sometimes the craziness of life will drive you and me to fast. Sometimes God will call us to fast for reasons of which we are unaware. Sometimes we choose to fast just to get closer to God or to receive insight or direction. Whatever our reasons, fasting is a powerful weapon to break through barriers and release blessing.

As I write this post I am aware that I have some readers who have never fasted. When I first heard about fasting in college I immediately decided it was not for me. In my twenties I realized it wasn’t just “for me” it was necessary for me to receive breakthrough. If you have never fasted I would encourage you to give it a try.

Here are a few guidelines I follow:

  1. ASK

Ask the Lord what He would have you fast and see what pops into your mind. If you have a vision of Brussels sprouts and you hate Brussels sprouts, it’s most likely not from God. Fasting entails sacrifice. For you that might mean steak and desserts or entertainment. When you know what to fast, you can either set a time limit or fast until you get revelation or see results. Again ask the Holy Spirit and see what comes to mind.



During your fast set apart time to read the Word, worship and pray. It doesn’t have to be hours, but in order to hear you have to be willing to listen.



There is a reason Daniel’s fast was recorded in the Scriptures. Don’t expect immediate results. Heaven’s silence is not an indicator of inactivity. Persevere as Daniel did. Your answer is on the way.

No matter when we fast, why we fast, for how long we fast, or what we fast, you and I can rest assured that fasting sets things in motion in the heavenlies.  In an unseen realm there are battles being won, divine appointments being put in place, and blessings being released.

Happy Fasting!

Have a beautiful blessed day!


Photo from Pixabay                             


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