Heart’s Desires


I was a little apprehensive about sharing this, because I am still seeking more understanding. But this morning as I was praying I felt to go ahead. I pray that it will bless somebody.

Yesterday, while I was praying, I saw a vision. Most of the time when God speaks to me through visions I see a picture and hear an explanation in my mind, but yesterday was one of those rare times I felt as if I were watching an video.

In my vision I saw angels standing in line in heaven. They were eagerly awaiting their assignments. Many were warriors, but there were also a lot of messenger angels. As each angel stepped to the front of the line, he was given a piece of paper with specific instructions and told to “GO NOW!” The line was moving very quickly so I continuously heard, “GO NOW! GO NOW! GO NOW!…”

As the warrior angels were dispatched, I saw human warriors being equipped and raised up on the earth. The warrior angels were sent to strategic places around the globe for such a time as this.

Some of the messenger angels were given boxes with their orders. Others were given shovels.

The angels who left with boxes had two different types of assignments. Some had been instructed to deliver their boxes at this time, while the others had been instructed to hide their boxes until an appointed time. The boxes that were to be hidden were labeled HIDDEN DESIRES. They would be easily found in unexpected places at just the right time. The angels with the shovels were sent to dig up boxes that had been buried for a long time.

I saw the word HOPE

Many people, including me, were given AT THIS TIME boxes. I opened mine as soon as I received it. Hearts, birds, and candy floated up out of the box, along with the words HEARTS DESIRES. I was overjoyed!

Immediately, a towering wall sprung up out of nowhere right in front of me. It was so high I knew that it would be impossible to scale. I heard the words. “WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR MAN IS POSSIBLE FOR GOD!”

The angel then lifted me up and flew with me to the top of the wall.  As I looked down from my new position, I could see the past, the present, and the future, and I was given new understanding about some of the more difficult seasons of my life. There was no fear, pain, discouragement, or disappointment-only peace.

Looking down from the wall I could see the angels with the shovels digging up the boxes that had been buried for a long time. There was a marker at each place where a box had been buried. The markers read HOPE DEFERRED.

Whenever someone received one of the boxes that had been buried, they were immediately lifted to the top of the wall and placed next to me. I was also given a box that had been buried. As each one of us opened our boxes, the words HEART’S DESIRES, as well as hearts, birds, and candy once again floated up out of the boxes. But this time a second set of words also floated into the air –HOPE RESTORED. The HOPE RESTORED words began to get larger and larger, until they permeated the atmosphere.

Everybody on the wall received insight about past suffering and gained new understanding about God’s love. Most were given wisdom about how to proceed with God-given dreams they had given up on years ago. Many of the people on the wall had also been given AT THIS TIME boxes with new heart’s desires. Some would be writing songs and books. Others would be starting ministries or businesses. Some would be entering new relationships.

I could feel my heart expanding in my chest. I knew I was receiving more healing. As I looked around at the other RESTORED ONES delighting in the contents of their boxes, God showed me their hearts. Broken hearts began to mend, bitter hearts were filled with joy, and stony hearts turned to flesh. Everybody’s heart, including mine, was bursting with thankfulness. I heard the Lord say, “I am restoring the hearts of my people and gifting them with new understanding!”

May the Lord abundantly bless you!
