Silent Words

Yesterday was the third time I made some short videos to transfer to youtube.  As with the other times, I couldn’t get them to upload. But this time, the camera on my tablet quit working, my phone started acting up, and I got locked out of my email account for unusual usage from opening a few devices simultaneously.

Late last night, as I was searching for answers to fix my mess, the Lord told me to shut everything down and go to bed. So I gave it all to Him. “Lord, you can do all things,” I reminded Him. “If you want this stuff to work, then you will have to fix it!”

The first thing this morning I checked my e-mail. I was still locked out. I wanted to know if all the interference was opposition, redirection, or just a matter of timing, so I went out to the garage where I could be alone.

After I worshiped, prayed, took authority over the plans of the enemy, made agreement with God’s promises in the Word and with His personal promises to me, I still didn’t have any answers. So I called a friend to pray with me about my situation.

While we were praying, God changed the course of our prayers and gave both of us insight about some specific situations in each other’s lives. A simple prayer need, opened the door to a beautiful time of iron sharpens iron fellowship and revelation.

After our call, I checked my email again. It was working!

The way everything came togther this morning, reminded me that obstacles can quickly turn into opportunities. It also reminded me of how God sometimes directs us through His silence. Not hearing an answer from the Lord, led me to the place where He gave insight and answers, not just for me, but for two of His daughters.

A while back, I prayed with a friend who was seeking God’s guidance as to whether she should marry her boyfriend. Although she prayed, fasted, and sought wise counsel, Heaven stayed silent concerning her relationship. When the Lord finally did answer her, it became apparent that she hadn’t heard anything before because it hadn’t been time.

When God doesn’t answer our questions, it’s easy to think that He is withholding from us, but the truth is, that instead of withholding, He is holding our answers until the timing and circumstances come together for us and others to receive His greatest blessings.

So next time when the only answer you hear from the Lord is no answer. Don’t get discouarged. He just might be speaking through silence to lead you to an unexpected blessing.

May the Lord abundantly bless you!
