You’re Somebody

This morning I was reminiscing about a particular afternoon when God gave me a revelation of His love. I was sitting at work with the Dean Martin’s song You’re Nobody till Somebody Loves You blaring over the speakers in the lobby. As I thought about some of my past relationships I felt rejection and pain. By the end of the first stanza, I was wallowing self-pitty. “What is wrooonnng with me? Will someone eeveeer love me?!” my heart cried.

I began to think about how my hunger to be loved and valued had led me into deception and caused me much heartache. Then, Suddenly,  without even realizing what I was saying, I blurted out, “No! That song is a lie!”

The Lord then sweetly spoke to my heart, “Somebody does love you. I love you!”

Although Dean continued to sing in the background, I was hearing new lyrics: You’re Somebody Because I have Always Loved You

Most of us have experienced times when we have felt unnoticed, unheard, or unloved. If you can relate, I pray that as you read the following verses, you will be reminded of how much God loves you.

You’re Somebody Because I have Always Loved You

You’re somebody because I have always loved you.

You’re somebody because I have always cared.

You may not think you are lovable or worthy,

But I’m crazy about you and have so much love to share.


The world is not the same and you can change it.

Let my love flow through you everywhere you go.

You’re somebody because I’ve always loved you.

So find someone with whom you can share my love.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NIV).

                        Be abundantly blessed!

Jeannie Boatright